February 2015 – "Come ti pago" ("How could I pay") Project
A financial literacy project for high school students over eighteen, which aims to integrate the knowledge they obtain during their school years, before entering the work arena or beginning their university years away from home.
Meetings are being held during the month of February in several schools.

January 2015 – Via Iulia Augusta Project
The project continues with the installation of the signs indicating the track to bypass the landslide.
"Via Iulia Augusta, nuova segnaletica..." – 28.1.2015
"Albenga: nuova segnaletica per la via Julia Augusta" – SavonaNews 26.1.2015
"Deviazione Via Iulia Augusta" – Trucioli Savonesi
"Da ieri sulla via Iulia Augusta sistemata la nuova segnaletica" – La Stampa 27.1.2015
August 2014 – Youth Exchange Program
The Rotary Youth Exchange Program exists within one of the most important avenues of service, that supporting new generations. Students between 17 and 19 years of age who take part in it have the opportunity to meet new friends and form international friendships, and to be ambassadors of Rotary and of their own country.
There are different types of exchanges, among which long and short term ones. The former allow to stay a few weeks abroad during summer, while the latter usually last one year, during which students attend school and live with families in the host country. To gain a greater understanding of the culture, students live with at least two host families during their stay.
This year Rotary Club Albenga takes part in the program by sending abroad two female students, selected among those attending the Liceo "Giordano Bruno", whose families in turn will host two exchange students from the United States, between August 2014 and July 2015.
Long-term exchanges
Short-term exchanges
July 2014 – Via Iulia Augusta Project
The Albenga and Alassio Rotary Clubs designed and installed information panels on the Roman road Via Iulia Augusta between Albenga and Alassio.
In cooperation with the Alassio municipality and volunteers from Alassio Bike and the Associazione Nazionale Alpini (Army Mountain Troops National Association) two paths were cleared to allow bypassing last February's landslide.

"Un sentiero permette di superare la frana... – La Stampa 6.7.2014
May 2014 – Project "Graduation... what then?"
Within the "Maturità e poi?" ("Graduation... what then?") project, Rotary Club Albenga has taken part with four members in the Open Day of the Liceo "Giordano Bruno", during which senior students have the opportunity to meet people involved in the various professions and the university, to get information, suggestions and prospects.
Professione economista (Italian, PDF)
Professione sociologo (Italian, PDF)
October 2013 – Andrological Screening for Students Project
Rotary Clubs Alassio, Albenga, Imperia, Sanremo, Sanremo Hanbury, Savona, Varazze Riviera del Beigua
The P.A.S.S. Project continues and expands, with the help of all the Ponente Ligure Rotary Clubs, in co-operation with the provincial education authority.
The Rotary Club Albenga effort now includes the Finale Ligure and Loano high school institutes.
Andrological prevention has long been lacking in Italy, particularly since the elimination of mandatory physical examinations associated with military service which in the past represented the only form of large scale screening and prevention.
The Rotary project of andrological prevention is aimed at filling this void by reaching students in the last year of high school across a large number of schools in the area.
The project consists in providing information sessions within the schools following which students who are interested can choose to receive free medical screening from competent specialists who have offered their services to this project.
Project Presentation (in Italian)
Sanremo News 11.10.2013
Savona News 1.12.2013
Mediterranews 29.11.2013
Radio Savona Sound News 29.11.2013
October 2013 – Didactics for Everybody with Maps
The project started in April by Rotary Club Savona takes now advantage of the help from Rotary Club Albenga.
The training courses are beginning in October, along with the delivery of the software tools to elementary and junior high schools in the Savona Province.
Project Brochure RC Savona 6.4.2013 (in Italian)
February 2013 – Male Youth Andrological Prevention
Rotary Clubs Alassio, Albenga, Imperia, Sanremo, Sanremo Hanbury
Andrological prevention has long been lacking in Italy, particularly since the elimination of mandatory physical examinations associated with military service which in the past represented the only form of large scale screening and prevention.
The Rotary project of andrological prevention is aimed at filling this void by reaching students in the last year of high school across a large number of schools in the area.
The project consists in providing information sessions within the schools following which students who are interested can choose to receive free medical screening from competent specialists who have offered their services to this project.
Project presentation (in Italian)